Step 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In at hendrerit turpis, accumsan scelerisque ipsum. Donec ultricies purus vitae tempor accumsan. Suspendisse non arcu sed risus varius blandit. Etiam sed dignissim augue. Mauris ligula lacus, vehicula id dignissim nec, pretium eu risus. Ut fringilla finibus urna id sodales. Aliquam eget dolor aliquam, faucibus ante id, dapibus magna. Cras vestibulum ac augue sed dapibus. Cras commodo aliquet lectus. Cras vel justo eros. Donec id nisi molestie, sodales magna a, mattis nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum eu nisl in lorem tincidunt condimentum. Duis non tortor sit amet orci euismod mollis nec ac sapien. Nulla at erat molestie, condimentum enim et, tincidunt leo.
Step 2
The WSB Trade Essentials Extension can be installed.
Instructions: Video
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Instructions: Textual
With a large portfolio, maintenance of your items can be a time consuming task. Using Excel-based imports can be a time consuming task, and a small mistake can have a large impact. Excel is a great tool, and it is smart, but it can be a bit too smart. Chances are that number formats are incorrectly interpreted, causing wrong prices in your price lists. By saving the price list as a CSV file and import the CSV file, you have two advantages: no more formatting issues, and a much, much shorter waiting time when you import 10-thousands of records.
Step 3
Setup & Usage
With a large portfolio, maintenance of your items can be a time consuming task. Using Excel-based imports can be a time consuming task, and a small mistake can have a large impact. Excel is a great tool, and it is smart, but it can be a bit too smart. Chances are that number formats are incorrectly interpreted, causing wrong prices in your price lists. By saving the price list as a CSV file and import the CSV file, you have two advantages: no more formatting issues, and a much, much shorter waiting time when you import 10-thousands of records.