
Free to Try, Get Started Quickly

Subscription Setup

Free in Sandbox Environments

Our apps can be used for free, without limitations and no trial end date, in one or more of your Dynamics 365 Business Central Sandbox environments. When you use the features that would require a subscription for use in one of your Production environments, a notification will be displayed that informs you that you are using such a feature.

Free Trial in Production Environments

To use all the features of the extension in a Production environment you can start a free trial subscription that will automatically change to a paid subscription after the trial ends. You can cancel your subscription at any time you like and will be able to use the features of the app until the current invoicing period ends.

To manage your subscriptions, you can use the Apportunix Subscriptions page. On this page you can start or cancel subscriptions for Apportunix apps and view or update the payment methods that are used for your subscriptions.

Please note that your payments are handled safely, in a PCI-compliant manner, in cooperation with our payment provider Stripe. Do you have a question or would you like to know more? Please feel free to contact us by visiting the Contact page on our website.

Additional step-by-step instructions on creating a subscription in your Production environment can be found in our online documentation.


Subscriptions for all apps are per Business Central Production environment (i.e., each subscription is linked to a single Production environment).

Complaint Registration

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Fixed price per month:
– Price in EUR for entire Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 29.99
– Price in USD for all countries outside Europe: $ 29.99

Confidential Data Protection

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per month:
– Price in EUR for entire Europe
– Price in USD for all countries outside Europe

Subscription Number of full* users Total Price EUR Total Price USD
S 1-10 € 50.00 $ 50.00
M 11-25 € 125.00 $ 125.00
L 26-50 € 250.00 $ 250.00
XL 51-75 € 375.00 $ 375.00
XXL 76+ € 500.00 $ 500.00

Example (EUR):
42 full* users = € 250.00 per month (N.B., not per user)

Convenient Comments

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Convenient Comments (Standard)

Fixed price per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 17.99
– All countries outside Europe: $ 17.99

Convenient Comments Pro

Subscription Number of full* users Total Price EUR Total Price USD
S 1-10 € 25.00 $25.00
M 11-25 € 45.00 $ 45.00
L 26-50 € 65.00 $ 65.00
XL 50+ € 85.00 $ 85.00

Example (EUR):

42 full* users = € 65.00 per month (N.B., not per user)

Custom Fields

Free to use in Sandbox environments (including Custom Fields Pro and Custom Fields Relations features).

Custom Fields (Free)

Free for basic functionality.

Custom Fields Pro

Price per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 1.19
– All countries outside Europe: $ 1.19

Custom Fields Relations

Price per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 1.19
– All countries outside Europe: $ 1.19

Deposit Items

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Price per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39

Document Archive

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Price per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39

Document Creator

Free to use in Sandbox environments. Free designer trial.

Prices per month:
– Price in EUR for entire Europe
– Price in USD for all countries outside Europe

Subscription Number of full* users Total Price EUR Total Price USD
S 1-10 € 39.00 $39.00
M 11-25 € 79.00 $ 79.00
L 26-50 € 119.00 $ 119.00
XL 50+ € 149.00 $ 149.00

Example (EUR):

42 full* users = € 119.00 per month (N.B., not per user)

Pricing Document Creator Product Keys (Legacy)

Document Mail Queue

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Price per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39

Hazardous Substances

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Fixed price per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 9.99
– All countries outside Europe: $ 9.99

Inventory Availability Indicators

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39

PDF Merge

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per month:

Europe (incl. Non-euro countries):

Subscription No. of Invoked API Jobs Flat Amount Price per Invoked API Job
S 1 – 500 € 5.89
M 501 – 2500 € 17.49
L 2501 – 5000 € 29.49
XL 5001 + € 39.99 € 0.006

All countries outside Europe:

Subscription No. of Invoked API Jobs Flat Amount Price per Invoked API Job
S 1 – 500 $ 5.89
M 501 – 2500 $ 17.49
L 2501 – 5000 $ 29.49
XL 5001 + $ 39.99 $ 0.006

Example (EUR):
6000 invoked API jobs in a month = 39.99 + (1000 * 0.006) = € 45.99


Price & Item Management

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 5.89
– All countries outside Europe: $ 5.89

Productivity Package

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Productivity Admin

Fixed price per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 19.99
– All countries outside Europe: $ 19.99

Productivity Finance

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 1.19
– All countries outside Europe: $ 1.19

Productivity Logistics

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 1.19
– All countries outside Europe: $ 1.19

Project Templates

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39

Purchase Reminders

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 4.99
– All countries outside Europe: $ 4.99

Reservation Rescheduler

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per month:
– Price in EUR for entire Europe
– Price in USD for all countries outside Europe

Subscription Users Total Price EUR Total Price USD
S 1-10 € 200.00 $ 200.00
M 11-25 € 400.00 $ 400.00
L 26-50 € 600.00 $ 600.00
XL 50+ € 800.00 $ 800.00

Example (EUR):
42 full* users = €600.00 per month (N.B., not per user)

Status Management

Free to use in Sandbox environments.

Prices per user* per month:
– Europe (incl. Non-euro countries): € 2.39
– All countries outside Europe: $ 2.39


* Users are the “full” user licenses; so the Business Central “Essentials” or “Premium” users, including Device users, in the Business Central Production environment where the subscription is activated. “Team member” users do NOT count in the calculation of the total number of users. “Disabled” users are not included in the user count either. The user count encompasses the total number of users in the environment, so both direct and indirect users of the app (i.e., total number of users in the environment, no per-user assignable licenses).

After installing any of our apps, please use the Apportunix License Unit Overview in your Business Central Production environment to easily get insights into the current license counts of your environment.


  • Product Training Document Creator: € 790.00 / $ 790.00 (4 hour online training with 1 hour preparation and aftercare)
  • Support Services: € 158.00 / $ 158.00 per hour
  • Implementation Services: € 158.00 / $ 158.00 per hour

Minimum 4 hours per consult
Excluding travel and lodging costs and travel time (50% of standard hourly rate); these costs will be invoiced in addition.