About the app Deposit Items
Selling liquid in containers, handling additional cost, using pallets, or maybe even handling excise? These are all examples where Deposit Items is the solution! It is easy to set up and easy to use.
Many companies are struggling with the administration in the aforementioned scenarios. In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality, you can handle this manually. However, the problem is that it all comes down to accurate administration by the employees: they must remember to add the lines for the cost of the container, pallet etc. manually. This is easily forgotten, when the phone rings. Even when they remember to add the line, they might forget to ship it, or ship the wrong quantity.
Example of a common scenario
Think of a customer who orders 10 containers of 20 liters with a cleaning detergent with item number CD0001. Unfortunately, there are only 7 containers in stock. The employee creates the order for item CD0001 and quantity 10 and creates a second line for the container with item number C0020, and quantity 10. After this, then order is handled in the warehouse. The warehouse employee will ship the available 7 items CD0001. But if he does not look closely, he might forget to post the shipment of the 7 deposit items C0020. Or even worse, he might post the shipment of all 10 of the deposit items. When the shipment is invoiced, he will receive an invoice for deposit items he has not received yet.
The Deposit Items functionality solves these issues! The sales lines for the deposit items will be created automatically. When the main item is shipped, the related deposit items will be shipped as well in the correct quantity, regardless of whether the line is partially or completely shipped. This will save you a lot of correction afterwards!
This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
You can try out the Deposit Items extension completely for free by installing it directly from Microsoft AppSource in one of your Business Central Sandbox environments.
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Just install the extension directly from Microsoft AppSource and try it out right away.
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