Slowness/Outages Business Central Services (Resolved) View Details

We are getting a message that our license is invalid. What should we do?

Here are some guidelines in what to do if you get a message that your license is invalid:

  • "The provided product key is not valid for this tenant."
    This message indicates that your company is registered with us, but the provided product key is invalid. Please make sure you have provided the matching product key for your AAD Tenant or VOICE ID and that you have entered the product key correctly.

    With BC on-premise this error may occur if the Business Central partner/developer license is uploaded to the BC database, as it has a different VOICE ID/Serial No. than that of the customer's BC license.

  • "The tenant is not registered or its license is not enabled."
    This message indicates that your company is not registered as having an active license in the new license model (S/M/L/XL). If you do not have a license, or a license in the old license model (Viewer/Editor/Developer), then please use the Apportunix Subscriptions page in Business Central (recommended) or the Order Form (legacy), to start your subscription.

    Please note that a Document Creator license for NAV/BC on-premise (linked to an NAV/BC License Serial No. a.k.a. VOICE ID) cannot be used as a license for BC online environments (linked to an AAD Tenant ID).

  • "User does not have an active subscription to this service."
    This message shows up if your BC Production environment is registered with us with an Apportunix account, but that BC Production environment does not have an active subscription for the Document Creator app.

  • "Invalid credentials."
    This message shows up if you try to authenticate with an Apportunix account, but have entered invalid credentials (i.e., an account for the BC Production environment does not exist, or the password is incorrect).

For NAV/BC on-premise, please make sure you have uploaded the correct (customer) BC license (.flf/.bclicense) file to the database and have restarted the NAV/BC server instances connected to the database afterwards. For instructions on uploading an NAV/BC license, please review "Uploading the License File for Business Central On-Premises".
Note that you can view the Serial No./VOICE ID of the currently active NAV/BC license in the Document Creator Setup page, or via the "Help & Support" section in Business Central.

If you are still experiencing issues with activating your product, then please reach out to us via the Contact page.